Get accurate data from multiple points along a river, providing a wide coverage of points.
Add new sensors and members to your organisation in an instant.
All members can get real time updates and notifications from all sensors in your organisation.
Integrations currently available with Webhook (HTTPS), Hilltop (FTP), Hydrotel (FTP) and Aquatic Informatics Aquarius.
Also easily export to CSV.
Simply attach the sensor to a suitable position, connect to it using the phone app and you're good to go.
No install costs and free assistance from our staff if wanted.
Install in existing areas such as bridges or permanent walls, or set up a small pole. Get river level readings from hard to reach places.
The Waterwatch LS1 provides a cost-effective solution to gain monitoring coverage for your flood protection scheme.
Keep updated on changes in water levels with real-time alerts.
Ongoing monitoring allows issues to be identified early so preventative maintenance can be carried out before weather events arrive.
Easily monitor multiple hard-to-reach places along the river or stream.